Resource Mobilizing

Without adequate resources, there can be no development. The Resource Mobilization team of an organization is responsible for raising the funds needed, keeping the issues in the cases top of mind of potential donors, developing a network of support and influence to effectively secure resources to run the development organization over a long period of […]

Without adequate resources, there can be no development. The Resource Mobilization team of an organization is responsible for raising the funds needed, keeping the issues in the cases top of mind of potential donors, developing a network of support and influence to effectively secure resources to run the development organization over a long period of time. The sources of these funds can be; voluntary contributions, governments, multilateral institutions, foundations, INGO’s, the private sector and individuals. The Resource Mobilization team strives to secure financial commitments from donors to ensure the funds needed for the implementation of the projects.

Course objectives

Understanding that, for organizations to start resource mobilization they need to build the underlying organizational infrastructure which enables them to perform resource mobilization tasks. Developing the resource mobilization system and identifying capacity building needs for resource mobilization. Developing a resource mobilization strategy.


Board members, executive directors, managers, senior staff, consultants and advisors who are involved in the process of Resource Mobilization at a development sector organization.

Course content

Underlying infrastructure

Be able to identify and develop the infrastructure and capacity needed to do resource mobilization

RM Strategy

To develop an effective RM strategy utilizing conventional as well as online channels


Be able to set up systems to monitor the progress of the RM effort and take corrective action

Training method

The Training course will be delivered using the Adult Learning Cycle / Experiential Learning Cycle

RM Course outline

Day 1 Opening of the Course and Introductions
Introduction to Resource Mobilization
Preparing for fund rising
Identifying the need
Day 2 Review of vision, mission , values and operating framework
Setting of RM strategic objectives and RM results to be achieved
Understanding the system which generates cases for support
Developing a case for support
Day 3Determining future resource needs based on a multi-annual strategic plan
Identifying constituency and potential donors
Identifying constituency and potential donors
Matching potential donors with needs / cases
Day 4Development of RM strategy
Development of RM capacity
Development of RM team
Converting the RM strategy into an annual operating plan
Day 5Monitoring of the RM plan
Group discussion on how to implement learnings
Personal Action Plan
Evaluation, Certification & Wrap up

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